
Chrome Mist

Control 8.2


Plater’s wax


Plater’s wax


Salt 12



A Tempering


Case 45


Aircraft test panels and replacement parts

Mist Suppressants

Chrome Mist Control 8.2

Concentrated Non-PFOS Fume Suppressant for Chrome Solutions

Surtec Chrome Mist Ease Non-PFOS Fume Control is designed to help meet the requirements of the EPA Chromium Plating NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) published on September 19, 2012. CME-8.2 is designed for use in hard chrome and decorative chrome applications, as well as in chromic acid anodizing. It will enable conformance with the Surface Tension limits in the Rule, which are 33 dynes/cm (tensiometer) and 40 dynes/cm (stalagmometer) as of September, 2014. Further, it will lower chromium emissions and, in conjunction with other available controls, facilitate compliance with the lowered emission limits (also in effect as of September, 2014.) Laboratory data confirming performance results for CME-8.2 are available upon request.

Maskant Waxes

MT-160F Plater’s Wax

Fluorescent Masking Wax for Electroplating

Microcrystalline Wax. Light pink in color; five 10 lb. (approximately) slabs per carton. Weight per gallon when melted: approx. 6.8 pounds. One 55 lb. box yields approximately 8.1 gallons of liquid wax.

MT-175 Plater’s Wax

Masking Wax for Electroplating

Microcrystalline Wax. Light to dark brown in color; five 10 lb. (approximately) slabs per carton. Weight per gallon when melted: approx. 6.8 pounds. One 55 lb. box yields approximately 8.1 gallons of liquid wax.

MT-175 Plater’s Wax is suitable for use in the following applications:
Hard Chrome Plating; Lead; Acid Copper; Indium; Gray and Sulfamate Nickel; Silver.
FDA status: This product is in compliance with Federal Regulations 21 CFR-178.3710 and 172.886

So Clean Neutral Salt 12

Heavy Duty Drawing/Stamping Lubricant

So Clean Neutral Salt 12 is a binary chloride mixture in granular form containing a rectifier in sufficient amount to permit its use as a non-decarburizing heat transfer salt.

So Clean Neutral Salt 12 is a neutral type hardening salt mixture for the treatment of medium and high carbon steels such as production type and tool steels. It is also used for reheating carburized parts, brazing, annealing, etc. It is an excellent product for use in Martempering, Austempering, and Isothermal heat treating.

Heat Treat Salts

So Clean LO Temp

So Clean Lo Temp is a mixture of nitrates and nitrites of the highest quality and meets Army and Navy specifications.

So Clean A Tempering Salts

So Clean A Tempering Salts is a mixture of nitrates and nitrites of the highest quality and meets Army and Navy specifications.

Case 45 Additive

CASE 45 Additive is a Chloride based mixture to be used with Cyanide in the make-up and replenishment of liquid case hardening or cyaniding baths.

For Aircraft Test Panels & Aircraft Replacement Parts

At So Clean Solutions We Strive To Create Better, Safer And Cost Effective Cleaners For All Types Of Manufacturing.